What’s New
Rural 60 Plus is an independent, non-profit organization, encouraging older adults to socialize and stay active. You can fill your senior and retirement years with fitness, fellowship and fun at our Active Living Centre, Kakabeka Falls!
Rural 60 Plus is open year-round from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, offering a variety of in-house activities and informative presentations as well as regular luncheons and occasional sight-seeing outings. The Centre’s main meeting hall is available to reserve for special occasion use by a group or individual. We adopt Summer Hours during the months of July and August, opening 3 days a week, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Membership is open to all Seniors in the District of Thunder Bay, 55 years of age or older for an annual fee of just $25.00. (Please note that a nominal event fee may apply to some of the specialty programs and activities offered throughout the year.)
Grants & Services-in-kind Help Us Support Our Rural Seniors!
Rural 60 Plus is grateful for the Ontario government grants and for the Municipal services-in-kind support we receive and would like to sincerely thank the following for their continued and very generous assistance: