Rural 60 Plus

You Are Never Too Old To Have Fun!

5 Pineview Road
Kakabeka Falls, Ontario P7K 0G8
Phone: (807) 475-5779


Posted on July 31, 2024

Hi Everyone!

Is it warm enough for ya? Did you know that ……
It’s so hot cows are giving evaporated milk!
It’s so hot chickens are laying hard boiled eggs!
Ah, come on, these are the good ones!😂

Just a reminder that the Centre’s August schedule is a repeat of July.

And a word to the wise that if you are outside on these wonderful, hot and sunny days, don’t forget to protect your skin (such as umbrella, hat, light clothing and sun screen). And of course, the big one, drink lots of fluids!

And a safety note that if you are spitting watermelon seeds at each other, please wear safety glasses!!

As usual, if you have any questions or thoughts you’d like to pass along, please don’t hesitate to phone the office at 807-475-5779 and leave a message (might take a day or two to get back to you) or email us at

Your Beach Blanket Board ⛱️