Rural 60 Plus

You Are Never Too Old To Have Fun!

5 Pineview Road
Kakabeka Falls, Ontario P7K 0G8
Phone: (807) 475-5779


Posted on December 3, 2022

What fantastic news!!

Did you know our Rural 60 Plus Quilters and our Weavers have struck gold this year, each with very successful fundraiser raffles!

The Weavers’ beautiful prize rug was won by Mr. Sam Valente with winning ticket number 389 . Congratulations, Sam!

The Quilters’Northern Lights” quilt won First Prize at this year’s Hymers Fair for hand-sewn quilts. YEAH!

And then “Northern Lights” gets another recognition … something called “Special Award“.

End of story?? NOT!! Our Special Award quilt hit the road to another regional competition! Mr. Randy Creighton of the Hymers Fair Board took the quilt to Dryden on our behalf and entered it into the Northwestern Ontario District 15 competition hosted by the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies. The OAAS holds 15 regional competitions across the Province each year. The first place winner in each of eight classes of judging in each of the 15 Districts is then invited to the Annual OAAS Convention in Toronto in February to compete for Grand Champion.

During the District 15 OAAS competition, the Quilters’ raffle draw was made and the quilt was won by Mr. Harold Hunt on ticket number 14. Congrats!!

But the story gets even better!!

YES! our Quilter’s “Northern Lights” took Regional First Prize in Hand Quilts – District 15!!! YEAH!!!

Oh, this such a fun story!
Mr. Hunt has graciously delayed taking possession of “Northern Lights” to allow us to hold on to the quilt and take it to Toronto to compete in February! A huge ‘thank you’ Harold!

WOW! What great times!!

Your Board✨