What’s New
NOVEMBER Calendar & News⏰
Posted on November 8, 2023Hi Everyone!
Happy November or for some, Movember🥸, the moustache growing month to help bring awareness to men’s health issues and seasonal charities. (Ladies, you are welcome to join in!)
As we send this to you, a casual look out the window begs the question, “Are we really ready for this?”!! Okay, yes, it is that time of year ….. wanhhhh🥲
Here is the November Newsletter and Calendar.
When going through some old files and boxes, we found a book containing notes written by former members or guests, so we will be printing some of them in coming newsletters as a fond look-back on yesteryear at Rural 60 Plus. You will find this month’s excerpt printed in blue on page 3.
Stay safe out there, especially today!
Your Board ⛄️
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